Off The Hour: The Avalanche [archive] Favoriting : Playlist from November 1, 2023

Hosted by:

CKUT News Collective


The Avalanche Collective

The Avalanche is a disability justice show where all abilities are welcome. On the air since 2010. To get involved, please email

As of August 2023, The Avalanche is a monthly show happening on the fourth Wednesday of the month from 5-6pm.

Off The Hour is CKUT's daily corporate-free news program. It reflects our community because it is made by our community.

Every 4th Wednesday of the month, 5 - 6pm (EDT)

Favoriting November 1, 2023: Special program: Ongoing Gaza coverage by Samaa Elibyari

On today's Off the Hour, Samaa Elibyari presents:

  • A conversation with Ehab Lotayef (poet and militant) and Scott Weinstein (activist, affiliated with Independent Jewish Voices) about the latest news of mobilisation regarding Gaza/Israel in Montreal
  • An interview with Azmera Hammouri-Davis, talking about the petition of Black Christians for Palestine circulating in the US
  • An interview with Dimitri Lascaris, lawyer, activist and journalist, joining us from Greece
  • A discussion with Ginella Massa, a well-known media personality to give us tips on how to engage the media effectively

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